Friday, March 13, 2015

Guangzhou, Baby!

We hated saying goodbye to our guide, Celine, but we were ready to get to Guangzhou.  It signifies the halfway point!

We checked into our apartment in the Garden Hotel around 8 pm.

The day started with giggles, as usual.

While Daddy and the girls made a Wal-Mart run to pick up candy for the girls' classmates, Kohlby and I stayed in the room to pack.  That makes one of us:)

He had everything he needed for his first flight.  Except a nap.  He dumped his snacks and threw a fit because I picked them up.  He wanted to sit.  He wanted to stand.  He wanted to crash.  He didn't know what he wanted, so he threw a proper two-year-old fit for much of the flight.  

I finally took him out of his seat and put him in the Ergo, and at the final descent he crashed.  Didn't wake up until we were on the way to the hotel.  Have I mentioned he's stubborn :/  

We love Guangzhou!  It's where we meet up with other families, both from Lifeline, and other agencies.  We love the fellowship!  

We do have important business here, but we plan to take some family time as well.  We're going to spend a day on Shamian Island, where we will attempt to take Kenzie's senior pictures, shop at A Gift from China, Sherry's for squeaky shoes, and of course, eat at Lucy's.  In all our trips here we've never been to the Safari park and we've heard it's really cool, so we're going to try to work that in as well.

This is the 6 am view from our 15th story living room.
Today is Kohlby's medical exam.  It's crowded and chaotic, but it's a necessary part of this process.  He's not going to like it one bit.  Since he's 2, he will have to have a TB test.  We've decided that I would take him, and everyone else would stay at the hotel because it's so crowded in the medical building.  I'm sure Kohlby and I will be fine :/ 

The girls have lots more pictures, including our goodbye at the airport.  They will post later today so check it out ~ Sisters Point of View.


Patty said...

Connie, the safari park is awesome--but avoid on the weekend if you can--it is SOOO crazy crowded then (but we survived, you will too if that's your only option!). The Chimelong Circus--you used to be able to buy a combined ticket with the safari---is absolutely awesome..incredible..amazing!! Go if you can, it is nothing like what we consider "circus"! Just FYI!

Boy oh Boy oh Boy! said...

Oh, my heart skipped a beat when you mentioned Lucy's, A Gift From China, and squeaky shoes! We loved spending time at Shamian Island! We went to the safari park on our first trip and it was really fun! Enjoy!

Amy P.

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